During GDC 2023 I had the pleasure of being a speaker on a Women In Gaming Panel! Inspiring experience meeting ambitious young devs.

My name and contributions are mentioned in this Washington Post article about the announcement of Open Roads.

My name and contributions are mentioned in this Washington Post article about the announcement of Open Roads.


I'm quoted in this interview alongside the creators of Futurama for the launch of Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow!  Link here: https://www.gamecrate.com/interview-billy-west-david-x-cohen-and-more-futurama-worlds-tomorrow-mobile-game/16592

I'm quoted in this interview alongside the creators of Futurama for the launch of Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow!  

Link here: https://www.gamecrate.com/interview-billy-west-david-x-cohen-and-more-futurama-worlds-tomorrow-mobile-game/16592

The amazing Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow team on launch day!

The amazing Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow team on launch day!

TinyCo team at the launch party event with David X. Cohen!

TinyCo team at the launch party event with David X. Cohen!

My first of many visits to Rough Draft Studios to work with Pete Avanzio and Claudia Katz.

My first of many visits to Rough Draft Studios to work with Pete Avanzio and Claudia Katz.

Awesome article about how TinyCo uses events.  I art directed and helped create the splash screen art above for our Music Event with Snoop Dogg, DeadMau5, Alice Cooper, Rick Astley, and Avril Lavigne.Link to article here: http://venturebea…

Awesome article about how TinyCo uses events.  I art directed and helped create the splash screen art above for our Music Event with Snoop Dogg, DeadMau5, Alice Cooper, Rick Astley, and Avril Lavigne.

Link to article here: http://venturebeat.com/2015/12/09/how-to-do-mobile-gaming-pr-right-in-2016/

Watercolor  "Animal Crossing Andy," will be on  on display April 10, 2015 from 6 - 10 pm at Beehive Society's "Treat Yo' Self Parks and Recreation Tribute Art Show at Asterisk Gallery, 3156 24th Street, San Francisco.

Watercolor  "Animal Crossing Andy," will be on  on display April 10, 2015 from 6 - 10 pm at Beehive Society's "Treat Yo' Self Parks and Recreation Tribute Art Show at Asterisk Gallery, 3156 24th Street, San Francisco.

Met the Mayor of San Francisco!

Met the Mayor of San Francisco!

Family Guy the Quest for Stuff launches!  Article here: http://www.fastcocreate.com/3028785/new-family-guy-app-redefines-foxs-mobile-gaming-strategy

Family Guy the Quest for Stuff launches!  

Article here: http://www.fastcocreate.com/3028785/new-family-guy-app-redefines-foxs-mobile-gaming-strategy

Game Designer Chelsea Howe bought my piece!  

Game Designer Chelsea Howe bought my piece!  

Me and Sunny Badger at APE 2013!

Me and Sunny Badger at APE 2013!

APE 2012, puppies and kittens galore!

APE 2012, puppies and kittens galore!

Show "When I Grow Up," at seven degrees gallery in Laguna Beach, CA

Show "When I Grow Up," at seven degrees gallery in Laguna Beach, CA

My first published children's book illustrations.  Written by Judi Fors.

My first published children's book illustrations.  Written by Judi Fors.

So many happy kids at the book signing! 

So many happy kids at the book signing!